
Das jiddische Trinklied „auf das Leben“ eignet sich gut, um Geburtstagsjubilare hochleben zu lassen.

Konzert am 20.4.2023 im Seniorenzentrum Kardinal Bengsch
Lekhayim, a shnepsl lomir makhn.
Lekhayim, far ale gute zakhn.
To heybt di glezlekh un reglayim,
Lomir ale trinken lekhayim, lekhayim, lekhayim.
Lekayim, lekhayim, lekhayim, lekhayim.
To life! Let’s drink a toast for all the good things here!
So raise your glasses and dance, and let’s all drink lekhayim!
Let us know no mor sorrow, let’s only enjoy happiness!
Let’s strive for peace, for joy, good fortune and life!
Lekhayim for the new land, the free land!